Alice Rose is a foundling discovered on the Yorkshire moors above Haworth. Adopted but then later re..
Everyone believes Alex is in a coma unlikely to ever wake up. As his family debate withdrawing life ..
In 1627 Barbary pirates raided the coast of Iceland and abducted some 400 of its people including 25..
After a tough week Tanya Kaitlin is looking forward to a relaxing night in but as she steps out of h..
'Thirty-seven years in the force and if I was allowed to choose just one thing to erase from my mind..
As roommates they met for the first time in college. Two of the brightest minds ever to graduate fro..
When the body of a twenty-four-year-old man is found on Sunk Island two facts immediately stand out...
A boy’s body is found in bogland along the Irish border: a case as cold as the earth that has hidd..
A solitary tent is found to contain the body of a half-buried woman. She's been stoned to death. The..
Summer is on its way and Lissbeg librarian Hanna Casey has started a club showing films based on pop..
Forced to reassess her future IT nerd and country girl Addie Kendall returns to her family's Wimmera..
The war is over but peace hasn't quite settled between newly-reunited sisters Babs and Beth. Tilly a..
Life changes for the Palin children when Mam dies and it’s up to twelve-year-old Sally to take her..
Can both sisters find happiness when one marries for love and the other for money…Sisters Mary and..
As war approaches Alice Edith and Marg fear for the safety of their families while trying to decide ..